Artificial intelligence, genuine attitude

Introducing Victor, the trash-talking, Scrabble-playing robot:

When he is winning, Victor is likely to be boastful, uttering such lines as: “I am the current king of Scrabble, Victor the Mechanical Marvel. That’s Victor the Brilliant for short.” When losing, he might say: “If I had $1 for every good word I played, I would still hate you.”

Sometimes Victor tells his back story: His parents are assembly-line robots in Detroit, and he came to [Carnegie Mellon University] on a Scrabble scholarship. “He’s very insecure,” explained Michael Chemers, a former CMU drama professor who shaped the robot’s personality, drawing partly on memories of his own teenage years. “He’s capable of 18 different emotions, and most of them are bad.”

[Via Althouse]

About clivedav184z

Chief theatre critic for The Times. Twitter: CliveDavisUK Facebook: Instagram: clivephotos
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