Why the laptop computer is unlikely to catch on

“It would be much simpler to take home a few floppy disks tucked into an attache case.”  In 1985 The New York Times announces that a recent invention is struggling to find users:

The limitations come from what people actually do with computers, as opposed to what the marketers expect them to do. On the whole, people don’t want to lug a computer with them to the beach or on a train to while away hours they would rather spend reading the sports or business section of the newspaper. Somehow, the microcomputer industry has assumed that everyone would love to have a keyboard grafted on as an extension to their fingers. It just is not so.


About clivedav184z

Chief theatre critic for The Times. Twitter: CliveDavisUK Facebook: www.facebook.com/clive.davis.10 Instagram: clivephotos
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