Looking for laughs

Marcus Brigstocke at Soho Theatre. From my review [£] in today’s Times:

It isn’t easy to warm to Marcus Brigstocke. There’s the problem, first of all, that he’s one of those overexposed comics who are the first call for TV and radio producers desperate to fill a gap in the airwaves. Call it Sue Perkins Syndrome, if you like. Then, like Ben Elton — another posh boy with a geezerish accent — he has a habit of displaying his political opinions like Scout badges. If I were a woman, I would want to slap any self-flagellating white male who flourished the word “patriarchy” quite so smugly… One moment he is clutching us close for emotional support, the next he is keeping his distance, taking cover behind the sardonic exterior. It’s a sign of the financial times, incidentally, that a stand-up can be cheerfully booed for announcing that the true mark of his status in life is that he owns a house in London. A new front has opened up in the class war.

About clivedav184z

Chief theatre critic for The Times. Twitter: CliveDavisUK Facebook: www.facebook.com/clive.davis.10 Instagram: clivephotos
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